Monday, October 31, 2011

Smiley Face Cookie

Just sitting here, listening to my music. I personally love Linkin Park. They have been my fav band for a few years. I've been ordering demo CDs and different, off the wall CDs just to get some of the songs I've found on Youtube.

I like a lot of differnt music. Some bands such as Three Days Grace, Disturbed, Papa Roach, One Republic, Rammstein and Seether. But those are just a few. One of my favorite songs from Linkin Park is "My December"

Something that happened today that was kinda cool was that I found a cookie that looked like a smiley face. I stole a bag of cookies from my cousins house and was eating and for some reason I needed to show it to him and he was like "That looks like a happy face" and it did! I took a picture with my ipod.

OH I just thought of another good band....well acouple. Escape The Fate and Dead By Sunrise.

Lately I've been wanting to get my own PS3. I found a really good bundle on Amazon for a good price. Haha but I'm fine with my PSP at the moment. But maybe one day.

Well I think thats it for now :D I've just felt like blogging lately. That might slow down but idk

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Elder Scrolls

:D The Elder Scrolls series is awesome! I know I'm not the only one to think that. I know a few people who like it. I read a lot of articles about the new game today, Skyrim. IT SOUNDS AWESOME! It also comes out on 11-11-11.......doesn't everything? Few movies and game and stuff like that. Probably weddings too. I know of a wedding thats happening on that date.

Today was like total nerd day for me. I spend a few hours looking up articles about video games, talked about it with my friends, and played a few for awhile. Metal Gear Solid, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Oblivion and I think thats it.

But anyways....hmm I'm not sure what to write.

I wish tommorow wasn't monday. But it is halloween! I'm gonna go as a fishermen. Grundens and Xtra Tuffs! Original, isn't it? Hahah :) You know you're jealous.

At the moment, I am watching VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown. Most of the time, its how I find new music. I remeber how acouple years ago, it was metal and alternative all the time. One of my friends says that it goes back and forth every couple of years.

I wish blogger had more fonts. But whatever.

Hmm well its raining here at the moment. Yes it was random, I know you're thinking it. Don't lie to me, I know you thought it. Haha I am random and I know a lot of random things, such as what the name of the little plastic or metal thing at the end of your shoe lace is *gasp*.  And no, I did not just look it up. Its called an "aglet" Haha

Well I think thats all for now, I hope all you guys have an awesome halloween and be safe and blah blah blah :D

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My new blog

Hi there, lately I have been trying to figure out if I should or should not make my own blog. Well I decided to. This is not my first blog, I started and ran a blog for my school, which you can find here.

My name is Bailey Anderson. I live in Alaska, in a small village that has about 50 people in the winter and about 200 in the summer. Big jump, I know. We are a commercail salmon fishing village. And no, I do not live in a igloo or have seen a polar bear. You would not believe how many times me or my parents have gotten asked that. AND 40 degrees is NOT cold. Its actully quite perfect. I also have three dogs, who I love very much. I am also 36% Alaskan Aluet.

Something else about me is that I love my music. Hopefully you figure that out from my blog name. I also love to read books. Mostly fantasy, I have a few favorite authors. I'm also really into video games!

Hmm....what else.....well my school is part of a district that has about 13 schools in an area about the size of West Virginia. In my school, I am student govnerment president and volleyball team captain. People call me Mr. President, Captain Awesome, Captain President and lots of other things.

I love being in a village and have my whole life. I may miss out on some things but I get to do so many things that city people don't. :) I'm not sure how my posting habits will be like but I will update every so often.