Friday, January 18, 2013

Village life

Ok so one of my friends said that I should make this blog more about village life and my "normal life". Because what I think is normal is different from what most people think. Like the fact that I think a gallon jar of mayo is normal compared to the 5 oz or whatever it is.

So I think I'm going to explain a little more about village life. At the moment its sleeting. Never a fun combo. A plane is actually going to try and land. A small plane, not a big one. A caravan to be exact. They are able to hold about 12 passengers in total without having much mail. They are pretty ok to fly on but if it's windy out then you probably aren't going to have a good time. We have good pilots but it's still scary. I have been on some scary plane rides. But for some reason I still want to get my pilots licence.

Something else thats different about living in a village is that we have to ship everything in. By air or by water. We don't have a grocery store that we can go too. We have to buy food in bulk and store it. Lots of processed food and canned food.

In the summers we go fishing. In the winters we go hunting. These are amazing because we can take some of the fish home and that meat. We can freeze it, can it, dry it, and many other things. All of it is fresh, we don't have to deal with farmed fish or meat with hormones in it.

I think thats it for now, I'll have to think of some more stuff to explain and talk about

Friday, January 4, 2013


I have not posted in a very long time. Few months. Well I past my college English with a B and carpel tunnel, boo. Next semester, I am going to take a online ground school class. I want to get my private pilots license. The carpel tunnel hinders my guitar playing quite a bit but I play through the pain.

Other than that I can't wait to do some more welding. I leanred a lot at my second welding class. I enjoy it and I made some new friends.

I have been learning how to crotchet. I am crotcheting a baby blanket and it started out rough but its been going smoothly since. Yellow and green stripes with a pink border. Pastel colors.

I am kind of sad and amazed that it is my senior year. School has been fun and I can't kind of wait to go to college but I'm going to miss high school. My mom also ordered my prom dress and when we go out in Feburary to get it fitted.

Other than all of that, I think thats it :P that was short.