Ok, so we have finally started basketball practice at my school. You know how that people say that when you work hard, you should sleep well at night? It's never really been like that for me. I was the only one at practice yesterday and there was a lot of running. I also didn't sleep very well last night.
But anyways, I've been having odd dreams lately. Like I had a dream last night about playing a video game that I was thinking about playing but haven't in awhile. I did have some other dreams but I don't remember them.
Anyways, lately I've been wanting to get some throwing knifes and I've found some nice ones on Amazon but since I spent all my money, I'm gonna have to wait and I don't even think my mom would let me get them. Maybe one day. Haha
Did you see that Wikipedia blacked out for 24 hours yesterday? That kinda sucked because when I was trying to look up stuff, it wouldn't let me but I see the point they are getting at. Websites like Wikipedia and Reddit wouldn't exist. We wouldn't have search engines because they wouldn't be allowed to link websites. The NDAA for 2012, would allow the government to detain someone under the suspicion that they are a terrorist. I would like someone to tell me the definition of "terrorist". It is a very loose term. I heard that it was someone who committed acts of terror against this country. But wouldn't the people putting this in place, be terrorists then? It scares me, it scares my teacher. You confused? So am I
A book that this all reminded me of was a battle book called Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Its a pretty good book, I know I've talked about it before but i thought it would be a good time to bring it up again. Its one of my favorite books now. It was really good and yea.
I am personally scared for our country. But for the people not living in this country but reading my blog, our country can be great, its just that people........well there are lots of people with lots of money and they want power, so yea.
Well I think I am going to work on my book some more and work on school work.
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