Thursday, March 15, 2012


Isn't it funny how you do one thing which leads to a few other things and finally you get something you've always wanted? Well a couple days ago, that happened to me. I posted a status on FB about wanting to learn to play the guitar and not having anyone to teach me since I live in a little tiny village. Well my aunt in Washington saw this and when she was talking to my mom, she said that she should try and find me guitar lessons for when I went down. I'm getting really excited and lately I have been looking through guitar buying guides. :)

Other then that, I am working on my last paper that I need to finish my level. Its going to be a fiction paper but I am having a hard time thinking of ideas. I will get there eventually.

Speaking of papers, I actually haven't worked on my book in a very long time. I just haven't had any idea for it. Nothing. So i haven't even looked at it. I figured that one day, my writers block will go away.

I personally can't wait for prom! I think it'd going to be a lot of fun. My mom bought me a beautiful dress and when we went up into Anchorage, we got it fitted. The AA Meet/Prom will be the 9th-13th of April.

Well thats about it for now. :)